About Us

Our History

JCC Warsaw began as a JDC Project in 2012. Known as “JCC without Walls” our first year of educational and cultural programming began in a rotation of venues around Warsaw. The success of these programs led to our first CEO, Agata Rakowiecka, opening our JCC Building in 2013. Over the course of the next 8 years we would begin offering over 20 regular programs, 3 annual sleep away camps, and several special events. A particular highlight are our Boker Tov Brunches which also started in 2013. You can learn more about our progams here. In 2021 The JCC transitioned to being a registered independent local Foundation with the continued generous support by our donors, members, and lay leaders. In the same year, Patrycja Dołowy became our CEO.

Our Mission

JCC Warsaw is a safe, caring, people-driven and inclusive space which brings together community members and newcomers interested in exploring, defining and redefining diverse Jewish identities through informal Jewish education and Jewish culture.  We encourage intergenerational connections and mutual responsibility. We enable a sense of community accompanied by joy and trust.

Our Team

Maria Kos

Executive Director

maria@jccwarszawa.pl →

Katarzyna Tomaszewska

Finance and Development Director

kasia@jccwarszawa.pl →

Alicja Abramowicz

Chief Program Coordinator

alicja@jccwarszawa.pl →

Alex Grynberg

Program Coordinator

alex@jccwarszawa.pl →

Joanna Baczko

Marketing and Communications Coordinator

joannab@jccwarszawa.pl →

Paulina Kakareko-Iwanow

Chief Communications Coordinator

paulina@jccwarszawa.pl →

Karolina Karzyńska

Graphic Designer

karolina@jccwarszawa.pl →

Franka Petelewicz

Administration Coordinator

franka@jccwarszawa.pl →

Michał Kos

Camp Atid Director

misiek@jccwarszawa.pl →

Piotr Kulisiewicz

Operations Coordinator & Photographer

piotr@jccwarszawa.pl →

Daniel Brot

JDC Entwine Fellow

daniel@jccwarszawa.pl →

Our Board

Executive Board

Board of Councillors

  • Ewa Cieplińska-Libner

  • Monika Elliot-Forystek

  • Michał Majewski

  • Agata Patalas

  • Bartosz Sokoliński

  • Katarzyna Żarnecka-Lasota

✉️ rada@jccwarszawa.pl

Board of Founders

  • Patrycja Dołowy

  • Joanna Fikus

  • Aleksander Kijek

  • Piotr Mikucki

  • Agata Rakowiecka

✉️ fundatorzy@jccwarszawa.pl